Nodule Management & Population Lung Health

The Kaliper Health platform helps you find, manage, and coordinate lung health across multiple lung diseases for your patient population. Our augmented navigators allow you to easily scale - without hiring, training, or management - so patients receive the support they need.

Doctor shaking hands with lung health patient

How it Works

Kaliper Health is an out-of-the box incidental nodule management software solution that makes managing lung health easy. With minimal setup, any practice can begin finding and screening patients, and discovering, treating, and curing cancer that would otherwise have gone undiagnosed.

  • AI
    AI Listener

    AI listeners find patients who may have nodules, emphysema, ILD, and other diseases who may be at risk according to clinical guidelines

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    Automated Software

    Patient lists created in software for navigators to review and follow up on patients to ensure referrals and patient follow-up

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    Clinical Program Pathways

    B4 Symptoms Proprietary Clinical Pathways embedded in software to allow navigators to support patients and collect information based on guidelines to present back to physicians for treatment decision-making

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    Augmented Navigation Services Support

    Optional and fragmented navigators to support your programs and workflow without the need to recruit, train or manage.

Clinical Programs Supported

Our software and services support creating a robust program to manage populations in the following diseases.

  • Emphysema


  • COPD


  • Interstitial Lung Disease

    Interstitial Lung Disease

  • Smoking Cessation

    Smoking Cessation

Ready to better manage your lung health patients?